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суббота, 25 февраля 2012 г.

A Crusade: That’s The Way

Someone said that in times of increased social and political activity in Russia people unexpectedly start speaking about Jesus Christ. There is a good example in Alexander Blok’s poem “The Twelve” in the description of march of twelve bolsheviks: “in a diadem of white roses, ahead of them goes Jesus Christ”. Why white, why ahead, why Jesus…? A Blok never answered that. Now there are some discussions about Boris Akunin’s “crusade for the presidential election”. It can’t be accidental. Obviously it’s hard to imagine a better leader for any movement than Jesus. Besides, the cross is a symbol of born-again people committed to the new life that Christ paid for with his own life.  “For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.” 1 Peter 1:18-19.

At the rally in Luzhniki on the Day of Fatherland Defenders Vladimir Putin expresses his with that everybody lived on the basis of the truth and conscience. That alone would turn our world upside down. But do the officials who abuse the power by having people go to the meeting to support Putin act on the basis of conscience? If someone wants stability of the increasing corruption, so evidently he or she is one of those who benefit from it. Can people who call themselves Christians possibly forget about that new life which Jesus gave us by having shed his precious blood on the cross? Of course they are afraid to lose their jobs or their bosses’ benevolence. That’s only natural. But what they really should be afraid of is God’s wrath. In that case it will become impossible to fake loyalty at rallies, to cheat while organizing elections and to get involved in corruption activities. I know a whole lot of people consider lies and corruption are invincible. Some might think it’ll take generations. I’m afraid we don’t have all that time. We need the new life here and now. Last year Vladislav Surkov said that Vladimir Putin had been sent by God to save Russia in her difficult hour. If that is so he has missed his chance and failed to eliminate such ungodly things as lies and corruption. So crowds of people are out on the streets again demanding changes. And thank God there is a presidential candidate who knows what to do. His election program inspires trust. In my opinion he sincerely wants to make a difference and he seems to be a man of his word. At least he hasn’t disgraced himself by empty promises and blatant lies, as opposed to present leaders.

If Mikhail Prokhorov wins the 2012 election it will be a miracle, but miracles happen. It is a common belief that is shared by Christians for whom Jesus’ death on the cross is the only way to get rid of the power of sin in their lives. “Our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin.” Romans 6:6.

2 комментария:

  1. So, when did Prokhorov make a statement relating to his religious beliefs? Mixing politics with religion has always been a dangerous business.

  2. Christianity has a set of values that can't be bad for anyone, no matter who you are: a candidate, a member of electoral committy or a voter. In my opinion if people regardless of their political beliefs tred harder to follow Jesus there would be less lies, crimes and injustice. I don't know if Prokhorov is a Christian or not, but who said a non-Christian can't act in accordance with godly principles. On the other hand if a politician claimes to be a Christian he can't compromise himself by running an election campaign in the way that stirs a lot of protests.
